Very few bathroom design elements say “aging in place” like the walk-in tub. It is built to meet the changing needs of the elderly while putting a premium on comfort, independence and safety.Although the utilitarian features of this fixture resonate well with many senior homeowners, some people are still reluctant to buy one due to the pervasive misconceptions about it. Today, South Shore Dream Bath, the local authority on bathroom remodeling, debunks the most common walk-in tub myths.

The Cost of a Walk-In Tub Breaks the Bank
Walk-in tubs may seem expensive, but it is all relative. These products have varying price points; naturally, those that have all the bells and whistles are costlier than the ones with just the basics. If the tub you like exceeds your budget, explore different financing options.
There Is Just One Style Available
Any reliable bathroom remodeling contractors will say that walk-in tubs aren’t cookie-cutter fixtures. Choice will not be an issue. Several units may seem identical to the untrained eye, but you will discover the variety of options you have the more you learn about what each one can do.
Water Leakage Is Unavoidable
It is understandable to fear a tub with a door to leak, but water infiltration is not a headache you would encounter. Each tub is designed to be watertight, so do not worry about flooding your floor whenever you take a bath.
Filling and Draining Water Takes Forever
Two factors determine the waiting time to fill the tub and drain it: the strength of the water pressure and size of the fixture. Choosing a product with features like fast-drain tech means you will not have to spend more time in your bathroom than you want to.
A Walk-In Tub Is a Pain to Clean
Any honest bathroom remodeling companies will admit that fixtures with more innovative features require higher maintenance. But the tub itself is no harder to clean than the traditional one.
Do not let your misperceptions about the walk-in tub keep you from getting closer to having an aging-in-place bath. Call South Shore Dream Bath at (781)-733-5405 to schedule your free consultation to dispel any erroneous beliefs you may have and set your project in motion.